Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Class 11: Lesson 1 from Kannada kali-nali book

Lesson Tittle: Reading Lessons from Kannada Book
Subject:Kannada Level 1

class 10 - body parts

Date: 12/5/09
Lesson Title: Parts of the Body
Subject: level 1 Kannada

Class 9 - Test

Date: 11/21/09

Lesson Title: Revision Test

Subject: Level 1 Kannada

Class 8- Revision of previous lessons & preparation for test

Date: 11/14/09

Lesson Title: Numbers - ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಗಳು - SankyegaLu

Subject: Level 1 Kannada

We had a revision of all the topics we covered so far this year in Kannada class.
We revisited the following topics to prepare for the test next week.
1 greeting & 2 Hello songs
2. Alphabets - vowels & consonants
3. Family, relationship & family songs
4. Numbers & all the number songs